20 may 20193 Min. de lectura
When in Disneyland
May 20th 2019 OK, OK… I´ll just say it. Taking two 1-year-olds, two 3- year-olds and a 7-year-old to Disneyland was kind of a crazy idea....
677 visualizaciones0 comentarios
4 feb 20192 Min. de lectura
Where am I?
Hello! remember me? What? Yes? Oh! That’s great!... I’m glad you do because apparently I don’t. A few weeks algo I was really surprised...
772 visualizaciones0 comentarios
11 dic 20185 Min. de lectura
NYC with my Olivia
DECEMBER 11th 2018 Oli and I recently took a mother-daughter trip to New York and I wanted to write about it because the trip meant so...
1074 visualizaciones0 comentarios
4 dic 20183 Min. de lectura
Christmas traditions anyone?
DECEMBER 4TH 2018 Este año me entró un poco más la inquietud de empezar a crear tradiciones en familia ( Arturo, yo y los niños). Se que...
474 visualizaciones0 comentarios
13 oct 20183 Min. de lectura
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
OCTOBER 13TH 2018 Dear Oli,Lucia and Jerónimo: I’m writing this letter while you are still little babies but there are some things that I...
1774 visualizaciones0 comentarios
18 sept 20185 Min. de lectura
Surviving the "terrible" 2s
SEPTEMBER 17TH 2018 ¿Está enferma? ¿Tiene hambre? ¿Le duele algo? No, no, y no. Sólo tiene dos años. Hay mucha información sobre este...
1224 visualizaciones0 comentarios
24 jul 20187 Min. de lectura
Their birth, My rebirth
JULY 23rd 2018 I’m writing this exactly 365 days after the worst night of my life. Don’t worry, this is a happy story, because it ends...
4091 visualizaciones2 comentarios
20 jul 20183 Min. de lectura
Beach babes
JULY 19th 2018 Our TOP 10 beach packing list for babies and toddlers. I know what it feels like to pack not knowing if you are really...
321 visualizaciones0 comentarios
19 jul 20182 Min. de lectura
Why Oli’s acts?
JULY 18th 2018 I’m dedicating this post to Olivia so you can understand many of the things you’ve already seen in my pictures and videos....
489 visualizaciones0 comentarios